Posts Tagged Birds

And then there were none…

Finch space for rent...

Finch space for rent...

It saddened me when I finally realized that my Goldfinches and Pine Siskins who have been keeping me company while I work from my office have moved on for the winter. The past few days one or two would show up for a short time, but today marks the first day I haven’t seen a single one.

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Yak, Yak, Yak (That’s bird talk for “Feed Me!”)

A European Starling works the suet

When I first captured a picture of these interestingly colored birds and looked it up online I was surprised to find out it was European Starling. First of all I was fascinated with their color and how it changed in different light, but secondly was that they made that trip all the way from Europe to my bird feeder. I wonder what part of Europe they originated from?

It all started about a month ago when I started noticing them show up in my backyard. The number of them seemed to increase with each passing day. I suspected they weren’t that organized on their flight over here so there were some stragglers still arriving. It was obvious they were depleted in their resources, which was evident by the continual disappearance of the hanging suet. It was getting expensive to keep these guys fed, but they still are a good deal. 2 suets for $3.34 + tax. Heck, anything that is less than a gallon of gas is a good deal in my book.

The Brown Thrasher wasn't at all impressed with the activity.

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