Nature… Once Again Open For Business

Yes, I know. It’s been awfully long time since I last wrote a blog entry. And was getting into such a rhythm! Well, here goes hopefully another streak of consistent blogging.

Nature's masterpiece

The good news is that I have taken lots of photos over my 7 week absence. No, I didn’t go on vacation or anything like that. But I have been busy taking photos. In fact the camera which I got 2 months ago now has over 10,000 clicks on it. That puts me on pace to get about 60,000 pics in a year. Geez… I thought I was taking fewer pics, but getting more keepers. Hmmm… I am getting more keepers however, and I feel like I have a much better eye for what is worth capturing and what is best left to memory.

So what have I been doing? Let’s see if I can make a list of a few things… I’m going to have to fire up my photo library now and retrace my steps… hang on a sec……….. Okay, I’m back.

Here is a run down of some of the major projects that have kept me so busy.

Superior Dance Recital in Calumet, MI.
A Father’s Day slideshow for my Dad
Marshall Law (band) playing at Bridgefest in Hancock
Fireworks and festivities at Bridgefest
Red Hacker Basketball tournament
A soccer final
A great party called Jackstock (Live music, good people and great food on Lake Superior)

So as you can see I’m not just making excuses. I photographed a whole bunch of them.

But more importantly, nature is still open for business. So even though I have been very busy taking photographs for worthwhile causes I haven’t forgot what I probably love the most. Taking photos of nature and its surroundings.

Mr. Chippy!

Downy Woodpecker with odd beak

Young Starlings in conflict

Immature Bald Eagle

Sleeping Red-tailed Hawk


Flicker feeding

Red-tailed hawk

Red-tailed Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk

Calm after sunset

My baby fox

Not just any old deer, but a deer in my backyard.

Oh Ricky you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, Hey Ricky!

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